This is a 50-stage digging-based pathmaking puzzle game. Create tunnels to help the male dogs meet up with the girl dogs of their dreams. Much love. Such passion. Wow.
This is an endless idle digging game. Dig down as deep as you can until you run out of fuel. Buy upgrades to increase your power, speed, and fuel capacity.
This is a digging game where you must create a path for the coffee to the cup. Dig through the grounds and avoid various hazards to get the coffee to the cup at the bottom of the screen. Run through all 3 beans to earn a high score & play through all 16 stages.
This is a simple digging game. Steer the digging machine and collect precious minerals while avoiding hard rocks. Use income earned from collecting diamonds to purchase stronger & better drilling machines.
This is a 12-stage digging-based path making puzzle game. Create a downward path for the balls that will bring them to the cups at the bottom of the screen.
This is a digging-based puzzle game. Dig a path to guide the colored balls to their matching-colored destination bowls using only gravity. Dodge hazards and platforms that may stand in your way & play through 30 challenging levels.
This is a 30-stage digging puzzle game. Make the objects fall down shafts in the sand in the right order to get them to where they need to go. Make sure all the colored balls land in the pipes where they’re supposed to go.
This is a 30-stage digging puzzle game where you must bring down a colored ball to its corresponding pipe. Make sure that gravity keeps the ball moving while avoiding level ground and moving spikes.
This is a simple path making digging game featuring 30 challenging stages. Dig paths to get each of the colored donuts into the pipes of the corresponding colors. Avoid the hazards or move them out of your way to make a clear path for the colored donuts.