This is a simple line drawing game which has you create a path for a car to drive on. Create the dips and inclines the car needs to get past the pipes. Collect coins to unlock other vehicles.
This is a grid-based instructional drawing game. Select the buttons as instructed to reveal the final image.
In this game you must draw the shape of the falling block on the grid before it reaches the bottom, using the exact same aspect ratio and orientation.
This is a whimsical path drawing game where you create paths to help each child safely make it to a toilet. Avoid monsters, cars, other kids, and a variety of fixed obstacles. Play through all 50 challenging stages.
This is a simple drawing game for young children. Draw a line around the missing parts of the image to complete it. Play through all 53 stages.
This is a path making game where you make a road for a car to travel down. Complete each level by leading the car to the finish line.
This is a drawing challenge game. Draw a single unbroken line across the maze without touching the walls. Play through all the mazes as fast as you can.
This is a physics-based path-making drawing game. Draw a path for the fruits to travel to the juicer’s intake and to guide the juice from the outflow to fill the cups past the fill lines with the correct juices. Play through all 45 stages.
In this game you have a limited amount of ink to create paths for water to reach the glass. Work around platforms and bypass obstacles. See if you can earn a 3-star rating in all 45 stages.
This is a path making game where you must draw paths or erase items from the level to help Grimace collect shards of a top-secret recipe and exit to the next stage. Play through all 38 stages to find out all 11 herbs and spices.